Hybrid Automation

Hybrid Automation

Written by Greg Charman

November 22, 2024

What is Hybrid Automation?

Hybrid automation is defined as the use of on-premises automation resources and processes combined with the use of cloud automation resources and processes.  This can be a great way to begin migrating from on-premises to the cloud completely; or it can be a way to maintain the proper control of data that needs to remain local using on-premises platforms and resources, while using cloud platforms and resources for automating processes where the data involved does not require such a controlled level of protection.  In either case, both on-premises and cloud platforms are used to achieve the maximum automation benefits customers are trying to achieve.

What are the Benefits of Hybrid Automation?

Hybrid automation gives you the best of both worlds – on premises and cloud.  Customers can exploit everything in the cloud with the Azure Automation platform and combining it with other Azure resources such as Logic Apps and Power Automate, while still maintaining full control of everything running in their on-premises environment which could be using the System Center Orchestrator platform that is tied to resources like System Center Operations Manager, and System Center Configuration Manager.  By harnessing both platforms, customers can easily share data or hand off tasks between the platforms and resources.

Why Would an Organization Choose a Hybrid Approach?

  • Allows workload portability, sharing data, and orchestrating automation across multiple environments.
  • Allows organizations to continue using on-premise systems while leveraging cloud technologies for scalability and flexibility.
  • Easy way to move from on-premises to the cloud without any downtime.
  • Business continuity – allows you to expand your automation across multiple platforms so there is an option to focus on one if the other goes down due to something like malware or a data center being down.

What are the Challenges and Considerations of Hybrid Automation?

  • Determining what is most efficient for the IT process being automated.
  • Planning how they will integrate without bogging down your system.

Can you have Hybrid Automation in Azure Automation?  

Yes, you can have hybrid automation with Azure Automation.  In its simplest design, it requires a dedicated device on-premises called a ‘Hybrid Worker’.  This device executes the automation against on-premises systems as a broker for the Azure Automation cloud service.

In this scenario, automation for cloud assets run in the Azure Automation cloud hosted space and automation for on-premises devices runs in the Hybrid Worker.

What are Some Examples of Hybrid Automation?

Hybrid automation involves the use of automation tools in the cloud as well as on-premises. A simple example of how to this might be applied is for a test environment.  Perhaps the test environment is in the cloud and completely isolated from the on-premises production environment.  Then once the testing has been completely and proven to be successful in the cloud environment, it is then implemented in the more secure on-premises environment.

  • It might also be used to provision virtual machines either in the cloud such as Azure or AWS, or for more proprietary data it might need to be created on-premises in a VMware vSphere The initial request may be all generated in the cloud, but for on-premise VMs the -hybrid worker previously mentioned will be used.

What are the Limitations of Using Hybrid Automation? 

  •  Managing a more complex IT infrastructure – There are some different skill sets required to maintain a cloud infrastructure as opposed to an on-premises infrastructure. This means understanding the benefits and purposes of all the cloud tools and not just trying to mirror your on-premises infrastructure onto virtual machines in the cloud.
  • Configuration Management – each environment requires a methodology to use in configuration to ensure your standard requirements are met. This is not always an apples-to-apples configuration.  As mentioned previously, the tools available in the cloud allow for different ways to accomplish those same tasks using the more traditional methods on-premises.

What Tools are Required for Effective Hybrid Automation?

Hybrid automation requires a stable platform such as Azure Automation combined with the additional software such as Kelverion’s Runbook Studio where runbooks can be created in a modular fashion to execute various tasks while all being managed for resource provisioning and scalability that can work for cloud resources and/or on-premises resources.  It takes a minimum of:

  • A comprehensive plan to maximize the benefits of both cloud and on-premises tools and environments
  • A modular design that allows both sides to interact and work seamlessly together
  • A stable automation platform that uses modular processes making it easier to transfer the workload between the environments.
  • On-premises resources and Cloud resources – could be an automation platform, device assigned as a hybrid worker, or other automation tools available and unique to each side.
  • A team of automation experts to ensure compliance, efficiency, and the most effective results are being achieved.

Further Reading

If you have any questions or would like some help with setting up your organizations hybrid automation, please get in touch!

About Kelverion

Kelverion are experts in Microsoft Automation with over a decade of experience in System Center Orchestrator, Azure Automation, Power Automate and Logic Apps. Kelverion provides a complete automation platform hosted in Microsoft Azure to simplify customers’ automation journey. 

For more information, to arrange a discovery call or to see a demonstration please contact our helpful team today via info@kelverion.com.

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