Automation Value Calculator

Customers receive immediate savings by implementing our ready-built automation solutions. Use the sliders at the bottom of the page to see what savings automation can make for you business. Once you have seen the value of automation, click on either button to get in touch with our team who will then advise on more detailed savings calculations shown in the screenshot below, subject to more variables and factors tailored to your organisations’ unique IT infrastructure needs.

Automation Value Calculator

Process Assessment

The sliders to the left demonstrate the typical savings achieved by customers implementing the Standard Tasks Solution. This solution consists of 21 automation use cases such as adding users to active directory, restarting services and performing diagnostics.

The value calculator is prepopulated with industry based metrics and our experience conducting automation assessments for customers. 

Contact our team for your tailored in-depth illustration which has the option to include your metrics and form the foundation of your automation business case.